- Settings console as embedded page (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Support for optional permissions in Firefox (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Avoid flashing the lock icon for expandos which require already-granted permissions (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Avoid processing promoted links (thanks @larsjohnsen)
Filterline: Simplify filter widget (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Optimize RES initialization (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Optimize Filterline (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- username autocompletion: Improve performance, restrict selection to users that are upvoted/tagged/on page (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Improve latency of Settings Console search (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- showImages: Optimize media host lookup (thanks @larsjohnsen)
menu, accountSwitcher: Clean-up, defer building dropdown (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Remove showImages option ‘showVideoControls’ (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Remove Gfycat reverse, as it is being removed from the site itself (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Remove defunct media hosts: vidlit, oddshot (thanks @larsjohnsen)
Remove res-entry-is-selected bodyClass (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Add a preintegration script to package.json to ensure availability of nightwatch’s RES-bundle dependencies (thanks @ackinc)
- Close menu dropdown menu on user action by default (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Document source and purpose of files in lib/vendor/ (thanks @andytuba)
- Fix Edge deployment (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixes test compatibility with new Reddit (thanks @corylulu)
- Ignore npm and yarn debug logs (thanks @matthewdordal)
- On-save-settings hook (thanks @ackinc)
- Fix Edge deployment (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Remove Edge Build/Deploy Pipeline (thanks @BenMcGarry)
- Restructure custom filter options implementation (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- SettingsConsole requests (optional) permissions on behalf of modules that need them (thanks @ackinc)
- Switch from jQuery to native in a few places (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Update to Babel 7 (thanks @mc10)
- Use Node 10 in CI (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Userbar hider bodyclass toggle (thanks @aslakhol)
- appveyor: Set image to Visual Studio 2017 (thanks @mc10)
- ner: Separate load logic from UI, simplify (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- r2 watcher: Simplify interface and adjust callback aggregation (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- showImages css: Simplify video selectors (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- tests: Suppress console.error/warn more robustly (thanks @mc10)
- userTagger: Use Filterline to hide ignored users (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- username clean-up: Move selector and getUsernameFromLink to utils (thanks @larsjohnsen)
- Update dependencies and fix Flow issues (thanks @mc10, @larsjohnsen)
- redesign: Don’t display (broken) RESTips (thanks @larsjohnsen)